7th Annual Make Music Harvard Square This Saturday!
I dropped the ball on this with planning for our Passim release show and other gigs and while we were supposed to potentially have a Red Line curated stage and are not, I am happy to see so many friends performing this Saturday at Make Music Harvard Square.
The premise is simple: Harvard Square turns into a giant outdoor festival of music for one day from afternoon to evening. Walk around and just find music on every single corner of the square. Amazing! As someone who has performed in one of these in the past I can tell you that it is truly a wonderful thing that happens and something you should NOT be missing out on. The Harvard Square Business Association are wonderful people doing wonderful things.
The music starts at 2 PM and goes until curfew! So get out and follow your ears to something that you dig. There is so much music to be heard in such a great variety you are bound to find something you will like.
More information
Winthrop Park (corner of JFK and Mount Streets)
2pm Hayley Reardon www.hayleyreardon.com
3pm New Inca Son www.incason.com
4pm Billy Deen and the Rebels www.billydeenandtherebels.com
5pm Mass Appeal www.facebook.com/MassAppealBoston
6pm The D-Line thedline.bandcamp.com
7pm Sasha Papernik www.sashatheband.com/live/
8pm Sultans of Sax www.sultansofsax.net
9pm The Dan Searl Group www.dansearl.com
The Pit (By the Out of Town News Kiosk)
2pm Keytar Bear
3pm Mike Hastings Band www.mikehastingsband.com
4pm Miller’s English www.millersenglish.com
5pm A Cold Lonesome Nowhere www.facebook.com/acoldlonesomenowhere
6pm The New Englanders www.thenewenglanders.com
7pm PowerSlut www.powerslut.bandcamp.com
8pm Newfane
9pm The People’s Party www.facebook.com/ThePeoplesPartyMusic
Harvard Book Store (1256 Massachusetts Avenue)
2pm Jess Labus www.facebook.com/JessicaLabusMusic
3pm Dugway www.dugwayband.com
5pm Nico Rivers www.nicorivers.com
6pm Walter Noons www.reverbnation.com/walternoons
7pm Don Hammontree www.facebook.com/pages/Don-Hammontree/214069178617
8pm Miriam Elhajli www.facebook.com/pages/Miriam-Elhajli/300087990017811
9pm Hadley Kennary www.hadleykennary.com
Brattle Plaza (In front of Crema Café – 27 Brattle Street)
2pm Ryan Jackson Troika www.facebook.com/RyanJacksonTroika
3pm The Life Electric www.thelifeelectric.bandcamp.com/
4pm Parlour Bells www.parlourbells.com
5pm The Nate Leavitt Band www.nateleavittmusic.com/
6pm The Rationales www.therationales.com
7:15pm Oldjack www.oldjackmusic.com
The Body Shop (1440 Massachusetts Avenue)
2pm The Votices www.facebook.com/TheVortices
3pm Rob Carlson www.reverbnation.com/robwcarlson
4pm What is Broken www.facebook.com/Whatisbroken
5pm Post Modern Authors www.postmodernauthors.com
6pm Back Talk www.facebook.com/backtalkma
7pm The Inebriations www.theinebriations.webs.com
8pm Suitcase Acoustics www.reverbnation.com/acousticsuitcase
9pm Wake Up Paradise www.facebook.com/WakeUpParadise
The Harvard COOP (1440 Massachusetts Avenue)
2pm Marie Chabot www.mariechabot.org
3pm The Splinters www.splintersmusic.com
4pm The Splinters www.splintersmusic.com
5pm Walter Noons www.reverbnation.com/walternoons
6pm Don Hammontree www.facebook.com/pages/Don-Hammontree/214069178617
7pm Miriam Elhajli www.facebook.com/pages/Miriam-Elhajli/300087990017811
8pm Evan Miller www.reverbnation.com/evanmiller7
9pm Los Border Coyotes www.reverbnation.com/losbordercoyotes
Finale Patio (30 Dunster Street)
2pm New England Americana Festival Stage
Palmer Street
3pm Trapped in Static www.trappedinstatic.com/
6pm Bridget Curzi www.bridgetcurzi.com/
7pm Sunshine Riot www.sunshineriot.com
Dado Tea (50 Church Street)
2pm Rich Eilbert www.richeilbert.com/
3pm John Ferullo www.johnferullo.com/
4pm Andrew O’Keefe www.facebook.com/AOmusic
5pm Nikhil Thakkar www.nikhilthakkar.wordpress.com/
6pm Mei O’Hara www.meiohara.com
7pm Jon Gaines www.linkedin.com/in/jongainesmusic
8pm Cometa www.cometamusic.com/
9pm Notoriety www.gainingnotoriety.com
Grafton Street Patio (1230 Massachusetts Avenue)
4pm Dugway www.dugwayband.com
5pm Miriam Elhajli www.facebook.com/pages/Miriam-Elhajli/300087990017811
6pm Kate Diaz www.katediazmusic.com
7pm Hadley Kennary www.hadleykennary.com/
8pm Patrick Coman www.patrickcoman.com
Legal Sea Foods Patio at the Charles Hotel (1 Bennett Street)
4pm Trail Mix
Charlie’s Kitchen (10 Eliot Street)
2pm Amy Kucharik www.amykucharik.com/
3pm All Eyes on Me www.facebook.com/Alleyesband
4pm Fable Grazer www.facebook.com/FableGrazer
5pm Fort Point Ramblers www.fortpointramblers.com
6pm Amy Hoffman www.theamyhoffman.tumblr.com/
9pm Evan Miller www.reverbnation.com/evanmiller7
– See more at: http://www.harvardsquare.com/7th-annual-make-music-harvard-square-fete-de-la-musique#sthash.5NGvlAJO.dpuf