New England Folk and Roots Music Publication

New England Folk and Roots Music Publication

Music Features

Song Premiere: “Ramble,” by Eliza Edens

“‘Ramble’ is an ode to hope,” says singer/songwriter Eliza Edens. I could use some of that these days, how about you? I first heard the song a month or so ago, and I immediately listened to it four or five times in a row. It is striking in its simplicity and depth. Edens’ vocal is understated and gorgeous and the instrumentation matches her subtle delivery. A lap steel guitar, played by producer and multi-instrumentalist Dexter Wolfe, slides in easily after the first chorus. Many sounds I can’t quite place, and that’s just fine by me; this song feels right.

Reflecting on the song, Edens says, “sometimes we mess up and fall down, we can always choose to get back up again. Things will get better. Possibility and opportunity are around the bend.” As many of us are stuck inside, being isolated and feeling isolated, the idea of rambling around sounds pretty intoxicating. For now, we need music like this to keep us company, to help us imagine what it’ll be like down the road, to be a soothing presence during this anxious and uncertain time.

Eliza’s record, Time Away From Time, comes out April 17 and we’re so pleased to give you this sneak peek of “Ramble.” Listen, listen again, and enjoy.