Fresh Track: Anthony D’ Amato “Passing Through”
Rich, sweet, smart, soulful. All things that songwriter Anthony D’ Amato has been called in previous releases and one might argue, could be said about the latest from New York based songwriter.
“Passing Through” is flowing with fluid waves of strings and droning echoes. D’ Amato sings with a tenderness and warmth that washes over you as the song trudges forward and expands into an ever growing landscape of sound. The pieces you dig out in each verse, with a bit more power and drive than the last. There is a subtle efficacy and potency to the gentle nature of his voice here. It may seem subdued at first listen, but the command he has over his delivery of each word, purposeful and stated. The trickling of notes like water on a pane, replenishing themselves over and over again until the din slowly fades and you are left with a memory.
Anthony is a beautiful singer, a wonderful and pensive songwriter. Check out the video for ‘Passing Through’ below and be sure to check him out next time he actually passes through your neck of the woods.