New England Folk and Roots Music Publication

New England Folk and Roots Music Publication

Music FeaturesReviews

Fresh Track: Jeff Przech ‘Someday’

There is something mighty refreshing about the delivery of Jeff Przech‘s music. His voice, deep and crackling, a burning fire inside his chest slowly seeping from his mouth. Somewhere between Chris Stapleton and Waylon Jennings, he finds his comfort in that place. And its the brute strength of that voice that truly bites into you when you listen to his songs.

I have only previously heard this song stripped down to the bone. Played out in the middle of the woods, just Jeff and his acoustic, with his trusty pooch sitting by his feet. The single release of “Someday” sees a whole lot more in the bells and whistles department and only lifts up an already great song. A slurry of strings, plucked banjo and strummed guitar drifting over thumping bass and steady drum hits. The groove infectious. A lot is going on in the mix, but Przech’s voice has no problem cutting through it all and being the star of the show.

Give it a listen today and keep an eye and an ear out for whats coming next down the line from this songwriter…



Brian Carroll

Brian Carroll is the founder of Red Line Roots. He is a Massachusetts native that got his start as a musician in the very community he now supports.