Singled Out: Bobbo Byrnes “Angelia”

Who: Bobbo Byrnes
From: California
Song: “Angelia”
Latest record: Two Sides To This Town coming out June 28, 2018
What about it: “Angelia is the muse to carry you away from what’s dragging you down. If you’re not liking what you’re seeing in the mirror – do something, be the person of your dreams. This often means leaving the comfortableness of your current situation.” – Bobbo Byrnes
Bobbo is doing a lot of good in the world with his music. The new album is titled “Two Sides To This Town” and the idea grew out of the divisions we’re seeing politically in the world. (it’s also a lyric in one of the songs). He will be playing a few shows in the next month and a half in California before heading to Europe from May 27-August 5 and is planning a cross-country tour in late September that will end up with the second annual benefit concert that I organize in Milford, NH with Harbor Homes who work with the homeless of Southern New Hampshire. So keep an eye out for him in the North East this Fall.