I hold the opinion of artist friends in high regard, so when I saw Aaron Lee Tasjan make a post along the lines that Lilly Hiatt is one of the raddest artists out there putting out new music this year, I took note.
There is an obvious grunginess to the latest video from Lilly. Overdriven, crunchy guitar chords ringing out from the get go and a spitting fire kind of a lyrical style. Its got heart and a bit of venom in the way that the songwriter spins a tale, a letter of sorts to a love that seems to no longer be around. Hiatt presents herself in a no bullshit, straight laced sort of way. Here I am, here is this story, but its enthralling all the while.
The eruption of the chorus maintains that rock n’ roll vibe, but the sense of longing and regret infuses itself in the orchestra of grunge, spiraling cyclones of sound and emotion. A light tinge of a southern flavor to her voice, but this ain’t no country two stepper, its pure, unadulterated rock.
“Cause I, I realize that I screwed up / I love you, baby / What we had, it was good enough,”
She will also be in the Northeast in early September. 9/1 in Rhodey at the Rhythm & Roots Fest, 9/2 at Billsville House Concerts in Manchester, VT and 9/3 at our favorite Camberville watering hole, Atwood’s Tavern. Get out and see her.