Music Features

The Record Co. Presents “Beast” Compilation Roaring With Boston Talent

The Record Co. has made a habit out of cranking out some fantastic records over the past few years since its inception a mere 5 years back. With a mission to create more vibrancy in the arts scene by tapping into the already youthful pool of potential fans all alongside providing an affordable recording studio space for those wishing to make their next big hit or album on a budget. Which  brings us to their latest project (one after our own heart of course), the Boston Sessions compilation records with the first iteration  being aptly named “Beast”.

From the Pledge Music page:  “Boston’s music scene is as talented and as diverse as ever. But these days people don’t think of Boston as a leading music city. Let’s fix that. Boston Sessions, Volume 1: BEAST is a compilation album of 13 new songs from 13 incredible Boston-based artists. Produced by non-profit music incubator The Record Co., BEAST is an artifact of the sound of our city in 2016.”

All proceeds from the sale of BEAST support The Record Co’s programs to build infrastructure and elevate the reputation of Boston’s music scene for the benefit of artists and fans of all ages.

Now, that is something that I hope we all can get behind. You can head on over to the page and pre-order the record today. It features a broad spectrum and cross section of the budding Boston music community ranging from pop rock to hip hop and blues and beyond. There aren’t many ways as good as this to fully immerse yourself in ALL things Boston music and get a taste of just what the city has to offer across the board. Full line up:

Palehound | Michael Christmas | Ruby Rose Fox | Bent Knee | Animal Flag | Black Beach | Littlefoot | Creaturos | STL GLD| Pile | Dutch ReBelle | Julie Rhodes | Tigerman WOAH

Get on it today…
