Featured Track

Track of the Week: The Suitcase Junket “Dauphine and Desire”

Last Friday I had a song stuck in my brain. Not just the usual, humming a tune as you walk down the street. It was putting a mental strain on my ability to anything. I ducked into a stairwell to try and figure out what it was by singing the melody…”what the hell was it?”

Then I got really excited thinking it was maybe just a new melody in my own head for a tune. It was so catch, it was so wonderful, it was so….it was The Suitcase Junket‘s “Dauphine and Desire”. The mark of a truly wonderful songwriter with rich musicianship and a catchy, but poignant sentimentality to their work is in this very instance (or similar ones). Someone that writes with such an artistry and likeability that even when you aren’t thinking about them, you are thinking about them.

Matt’s latest effort “Make Time”  was a heck of a record in and of itself, but this song keeps coming back to me. The heartache blended with the subtle beauty of being able to feel that sorrow. Its just so human and raw and so real. So good.